

The project EXPECT is a project with the objective to exchange and to stocktake Good Practices in order to learn from each other, to report on the lessons learnt at several relevant stakeholders and to lay the foundation for a later and more comprehensive follow up project.


7 transnational meetings (PLA’s) of 2 days for all partners.

7 documents (one from every country) with descriptions of the demonstrated Good

Practices and the programme of the meeting.

7 reflection reports. These reports contain the reflections of all partners after every PLA.

1 final report with general conclusions and recommendations for policy makers and for a follow up project.

Publication of the final report on the website of all partners.

Expect collated information

expectnewsletter 1

expectnewsletter 2

expectnewsletter 3 / jan 2022

expectnewsletter 4 / aug 2022

expectnewsletter 5 / nov 2022

expectnewsletter 6 / feb 2022

expectnewsletter 7 / apr 2023

expectnewsletter 8

expect leaflet final

Expect project visit to Bilbao

Finland blog
Italy blog
Latvia blog
Spain blog
Austria blog
Expect blog Eddie Den Bosch
Expect blog Eddie playfair Brighton

Final report Expect with 10 attachments
